Monday, 12 November 2012

Unit 9 AOB 1 - Take images for 3 specific purposes

At the end of Unit 9, you are to present 4 photos for 3 different purposes. That's 12 images in all.
In reality you will take a lot more than this, but you will select from these for your final presentation.
Remember that you are taking images for an exhibition during Dr Cliftlands' lessons, that takes up 1 of the 3 'purposes' - or 4 of the 12 final images.  You'll eventually put them all together at the end as one unit of work.

Over the next few weeks you are to take photographs for 2 purposes: a Magazine article and a School Brochure.

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Preliminary task:

Read through the slideshow below and take a good look at all 10 images before you tale any shots.

Print off this worksheet in readiness for your first task.

Task for Magazine article:
You are to take a series of images using one subject for a magazine article. The images have to provide an interesting insight into your subject. 
Here is an example: 
An article about cycling - : P.O.V of the view over the handlebars /close-up of his hands fixing the bike / action shot of him speeding past through the trees / extreme close-up of his really muddy face /  him framed by the spokes or trees / foliage. 

Task for Brochure:
You are to take a series of (at least 10) images of the school at it's best.  Think about what you would like to see on the cover of a new brochure for the school.  What is your favourite room / area? What activities would you like to include?  What external images would be suitable? 
Here is an example:
Take close ups of pupils in goggles doing interesting Chemistry, trampolining,on the climbing wall, at dance, taking images during Media, pupils laughing and having fun (ha!), etc etc

It is expected that you use the worksheet to help you take interestingly composed images. But also feel free to shoot many images of your own choosing, that's part of the fun. DON'T forget your work sheet...

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