Wednesday 1 May 2013

Unit 9 Post Order

Screen shots of Freedback emails
Screen shots of Freedback questionnaire
Presentation of Nature and Decay / Brochure / Photo essay
Work in progress 3 x 4 purposes
Screen shot of filing system
Original images (not compulsory)

Tuesday 12 March 2013

AO 4 - Part 3... last bit

Evaluating and comparing your images with 
professional examples.

You are now to complete a thorough evaluation of your images.  Use the questions below and present it however you like - just make sure it is editable so that mistakes can be rectified.
I recommend writing it straight in to a new blog post. 

1. Explain the tasks you were given.  What were the 3 purposes?
Nature and Decay / School Brochure / Photo Essay

2. Describe what you were trying with each of the 3 purposes - what were you 'after'.
With the Nature and Decay photos you were attempting to interpret the title of the exhibition in the moste interesting way. However, the photos for the school brochure were attempting to reveal the school in the most favourable light and at the same time, provide information.

3. Which part of the process did you enjoy most?  Explain what and why.
Brainstorming, taking the images, learning new Photoshop skills, annotation, presentation. 

4. Which did you least enjoy? Explain what and why.

5. Choose your best image - compare it with a professional example.  Why do you think it works so well?  HERE is a link to the Thomas Adams brochure
Make sure that you include an image of the professional example you are discussing

6. Choose your least favourite image - compare it with a professional example.  Why do you think it doesn't work so well?  HERE is a link to the Thomas Adams brochure

7. How did you go about improving your skills as a photographer?
Composition lessons and help sheet, taking images by yourself, Youtube, looking at a range of professional examples.

8. How did you go about improving your skills at editing?
My tutorials, Youtube, asking friends, online tutorials, playing with the software

9. Why did you use the different ways of presenting your work?  Why choose the ones you did?
Flickr, Youtube, Blogger etc

10. Explain how you went about gaining feedback for your images? ...and briefly, what findings did you arrive at from the feedback/questionnaire session
Online form using Freedback and questionnaire.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Assessment for Distinction:
Your evaluation contains detail and refers to a range of criteria. They compare their images with professional examples

Thursday 7 March 2013

AO 4 - Part 2.1

Gaining feedback for your edited images using FREEDBACK

AO 4 - Part 2

Then you are to create an online form to gather feedback for your images.
Use THIS SITE and follow the instructions to 'create a new form'.

Set at 5 questions for Brochure and the same for Photo essay (at least 6 questions in total)

When setting the questions use a range of long answers and radio buttons

Brochure questions:

LONG Q 'Please comment on the suitability of the edited images for the SCHOOL BROCHURE'

LONG Q 'What impression do you get about the school from the BROCHURE images'

RADIO BUTTON 'In general, how could the images be improved for the brochure? - Please choose one of the following:'   Better original images / Improved focus / More interesting subjects / Less obvious editing / none of the above - they're all great

Photo Essay QuestionsLONG Q 'Looking critically at the PHOTO ESSAY images, is the focus of the subject clear? - please comment with your reasons

LONG Q 'What impression do you get about my subject from the PHOTO ESSAY images'?

RADIO BUTTON 'In general, how could the images be improved for the photo essay? - Please choose one of the following:'    Better original images / Improved focus / More interesting subjects / Less obvious editing / none of the above - they're all great

the rest is up to you...

Friday 15 February 2013

AO 4 - Part 1

Present your edited images

Part one.
You are now to present your work as different products.

Nature and Decay - Flickr Slideshow HERE

School Brochure - Brochure Template / RIght click and save as HERE  School Crest is HERE 

Photo essay - Create a Powerpoint presentation and export as a .mov... then upload to youtube and embed it on your blog. 
Magazine - Template with placeholder text... RIght click and save as HERE